Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Working Out: Why It's Better Together

There are loads of reasons why working up a sweat together is a win/win for you and your partner, good friend or workout buddy form added support and motivation to boosting happy hormones and working towards shared lifestyle goals.   I met Christine Wong, Barre Buddy and Claudia Howard, Barre Trainer at The Barre Studio.  I have made many Barre friends.

1. Mutual motivation

If you've made a gym date with your significant other, you will more likely to stick with it.  When you exercise together, you can keep each other accountable, motivate each other and celebrate every milestone along the way.

2. Trying new things
Been wanting to try a new workout that you haven't heard? Circuit Fit, Aeriel Yoga but haven't quite worked up the nerve? Rope in your workout buddy for some moral support – doing it together can give you the boost of confidence you need to give it your best go. And trying new and challenging activities together is a great way to keep things interesting.

3. More quality time
A training session doesn't exactly qualify as a date but it's still time spent doing something you both enjoy – with the added bonus that you'll be getting fit together. So mix things up by scheduling time to work up a PG-rated sweat together, along with the girls day out! Or my favourite - light breakfast after workout! 

4. Boosting feel-good chemicals
Exercise releases endorphins and helps to increase levels of dopamine and serotonin – all of which make for a happier and more relaxed you. Having those mood-boosting chemicals coursing through your body can only be a good thing for your relationship. And did we mention that exercise has a positive effect on sex drive, too?

5. Training support
Your workout buddy isn't your personal trainer, but working out together means you can check each other's form, make sure your alignment is correct, and generally help each other get the most out of each workout. Remember, the idea here is to provide positive feedback, not running commentary that could be mistaken for criticism.

A word of caution…
Working out together can be a wonderful way to share your passion for health and fitness – but remember to go at your own pace. Don't let an over-zealous sense of competition lead to injury as you try to keep up with your workout buddy who may be at a different fitness or strength level to yourself.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Fitness is a journey, not a destination

Fitness is a journey, not a destination — and we’re all at different places in our voyages.

There’s the people who are just starting out, dipping their toes into different types of workouts to see what sticks. There’s the people who have been exercising for a while, who have found a training style they enjoy but don’t necessarily feel the urge to take things to the ‘next level.’ Then, there’s the ‘superfit.’ They’re the athletes, the sportspeople, the personal trainers, the Olympians.

Chances are, you see them on your TV, Instagram feed and in the gym and think “that could be me, but I love pizza and Netflix too much.” While it may seem like this elite group have reached the summit of their fitness journey, they’re constantly striving to improve! They’re all about training smarter, not harder and finding ways to make their workouts as efficient as possible.

That’s why we’ve rounded up some of the fittest women we know and asked them to spill their best workout tips. No matter where you are on your journey, you’ll be able to use their advice to absolutely smash your fitness goals this year. Read on to hear from an Olympic runner, Ballerina, CrossFit champ, Winter Olympian, Personal Trainer and former Survivor contestant best workout tips!

Selma Kajan is a middle-distance runner who competed in the Rio 2016 Olympics. Selma’s tips:

"Buddy up: I’m generally very self-motivated, but even elite athletes get sick of exercise! On these days, I find a training partner or group extremely helpful in keeping me honest. A good friend can distract you from the boredom that training can sometimes be and I am always happier having done the workout.

Planning is key: I am not a full-time athlete all year round, so I need to be really organised when I am working. It’s not always easy, but I find if I do schedule in a time and plan my day in advance, I’m more likely to stick to it and have a better workout.

Have a pump-up playlist: Before a race, I like to listen to my ‘race day’ playlist which includes a lot of Beyonce. It sounds a bit silly, but I like to pretend bringing out my own Sasha Fierce alter ego and getting ready to race. I find this brings out my competitiveness and focus!"

Kara Webb is a CrossFit athlete who was named ‘Australia’s Fittest Female’ in 2012, 2013, 2015 and 2016. She is also a CrossFit coach at CrossFit Roar in Brisbane. Kara’s tips:

"Prioritise pre-hab: As an athlete of any level, your main priority is to make sure that your machine (your body) is well maintained in order to continue to progress while staying injury free. Pre-hab is the most valuable thing I do. For me, this includes taking my supplements, eating real food, stretching, sleep, hydration and looking after my mental health. I also use a Compex unit for electrical muscle stimulation for recovery.

Don’t be too hard on yourself: Take the pressure off yourself by remembering you are human. Your 100% is going to be different every day, but as long as it’s 100% for that day, you’re always going to be moving forward.

Accept failure: Always be willing to fail, but don’t keep failing the same way. Be open to trying something new and find what works for you. Accepting failure is the best way to let go of unnecessary stress, allowing you to enjoy your progress a little more.

Snack right: My go-to snack to refuel after a workout is protein avocado mousse. I put half an avocado, chocolate protein powder, some coconut cream, and honey or stevia in my blender and mix it up until smooth. It works a treat every time and keeps me nice and full!"

Lucy Glanville is a biathlete (cross country skiing and small bore rifle shooting) who competed in the 2014 Winter Olympics. Lucy’s tips:

"Find something you love: There are so many different forms of exercise around, if you find something you enjoy doing you’ll actually be excited to get out there and train!

Rally a team: Whether its your friends, partner or family, get the people around you involved in what you’re doing. Passion is contagious and training in a team really helps with motivation. The key is to look forward to training and by doing the right type of exercise with the right people, you definitely will."

Renee Scott is a former professional ballet dancer, a qualified pilates instructor and the founder of Barre Attack, which is practiced at more than 70 locations.

"Start on a Monday: The best day to start a new workout regime is Monday. If you make it to a fitness class on the first day of the week you are more likely to stay motivated through the rest of the week. No more excuses! Today is the perfect day to plan and start exercising.

Mix it up: Every 6 weeks, try to mix it up with a fun new fitness class to stay motivated and continue transforming your body. Who knows, you may love Barre, karate, swimming or spin! Fitness is about feeling good about yourself and learning to love movement, so look around for a workout that matches your fitness groove."

Tegan Haining is a model, fascia stretching expert and PT who has trained the likes of Jess Gomes, Lara Stone, Natalie Imbruglia and David Beckham. She also competed in the 2016 season of Survivor. Tegan’s tips:

Time essential to creating the body you desire. Getting to sleep too late can lower the production of these hormones, leading you to plateau in your weight loss goals. Little tweaks like getting to bed earlier will help get you there. Try going to bed 15 minutes earlier each night, aiming for around 10 or 10:30 pm.

Rest up: Don’t forget to allow for rest days. Too often, I see clients smashing themselves everyday thinking the weight will fall off faster if they do. Yes, they may lose some weight, but it can also lead to fatigue, injuries and sugar cravings. If you are training correctly, you don’t need to train everyday to get the body you want. Two challenging weight sessions plus two HIIT classes a week can be adequate, providing you’re eating the right foods for the other 23 hours of the day! The other three days should be light sessions if anything, such as yoga or light walking.

I have started my fitness journey since May 2016.  I have tried many workouts from Barre, Yoga, Aerial Yoga, Aerial Pilates, Circuit Fit, Tabata, CrossFit and HIIT and online workout - Figurerobic, Fitness Blender & Blogilates.  I love them all!  I customised the workout according to what I want to achieve.  My tips to you for beginner:-

1. Understand and focus what you want to achieve? Either shoulders, legs and thigh, abs & butt or total body.

Shoulder, legs & thigh - Figurerobic via You Tube | Barre in Barre Class

Abs and butt - Blogilates via You Tube | Barre in Barre Class

Total Body - Fitness Blender via You Tube | Cross Fit, HIIT, Tabata

Recovery - Yoga & Meditation or rest up!!

All mix it up to have fun!!

2. Start on Monday for 2 weeks and ypu will stick to the exercuse regime.  Once you do it when you stop and your wholebody feel like the urge to sweat out!!

3. Sleep -  I am lucky that I have no.problem of sleeping but because of catching my usual Chinese/Korean/ Thai Drama, I sleep around 12am and I workout at 5am or even 430am if my workout start at 615am!  Remember, sleep less can make you gain weight! (Refer to Tegan's advice above)

4. Drink up! Dont make your body dehydrated! 

Monday, February 6, 2017

Find your workout ‘why’

The start of a New Year is always overflowing with the best intentions: “I’m going to eat clean every day”, “I’m going to work hard and get that promotion” and probably one of the most commonly promised resolutions “I’m going to work out more and get super fit”. Do any of those sound familiar? But where on earth do you even start?

Just like bad habits, good habits take time to cultivate, and those first few weeks really can be the hardest. Between adjusting to your newfound 5am wake up call right through to learning how to live with the permanent aches and pains in muscles that you didn’t even know existed, getting fit is just as much a mental game as it is a physical one. But don’t throw in the towel, because you know what they say… when the going gets tough, the tough get going!

Here are 3 ways to help you find your move groove… and stick to it!

Find your workout ‘why’

First things first, ask yourself why you set this goal? Was it to get stronger? To lose weight? To get lean? To feel good? Getting clear on why you’re doing what you’re doing will help ensure your actions align with your goals. Do you think snoozing through a gym session is going to help you shed kilos or lying in the stretching zone taking selfies is going to help build lean muscle? Not a chance. Having that ‘why’ in the back of your mind will help you push through those unmotivated moments and get you one step closer to your end goal.
If you haven’t watched the Simon Sinek TED Talk ‘Find Your Why’ do yourself a favour and stream it right now. It’s a game changer.

Ease yourself in

The worst thing you can do when embarking on any kind of new regime or routine is go too hard too fast. The last thing you want to do in your first week in is to wind up with an injury that will end up setting you even further back than you were before you started. While the human body is capable of truly amazing things, we’re not invincible and if you’re not used to undergoing rigorous exercise, you need to ease your way in instead of running like a bull at a gate. Start with 1-2 sessions a week and build on it as you start to feel fitter and stronger. Remember, Active Living isn’t a race… is a way of life.

Stay accountable

This is quite possibly the single most important point to consider. You are entirely up to you, and when it comes to getting fit, you can make excuses or you can make results. Of course an extra hour or two of sleep in the morning is far more enticing than slogging it out in cardio/ HIIT class and calling it quits when you start feeling fatigued is tempting, but what are those actions going to achieve? Don’t let yourself down, you’re more deserving than that.

Friday, February 3, 2017

Train your mind like you would train your body.

I want to talk about something very important that’s part of a healthy lifestyle. It’s not your diet, and it’s not your workout routine. It’s another piece of the puzzle that sets you up for success to reach your health and fitness goals.

But first, I want you to take a look at these facts:33% of the population is now obese or overweight (and that’s likely to increase).More than 60% of people with a gym membership have difficultly sticking to their plan.92% of people fail to maintain their fitness resolutions by the end of the year.How are these statistics true if we have so many workout programs to choose from? And so many different diets and meal plans to follow? Why are people still obese? Why can’t they lose weight? WHY aren’t these workout programs and diet plans working?I can't lose weightI’ll let you in on the secret … many of these workout programs and diet plans ARE effective. They do work and you can see results – but only certain people succeed. These are the people that are able to learn how to change their behavior. The people who create positive intentions and don’t let small setbacks stop them from reaching their goals.

Wait what? It has nothing to do with the workout or meal plan? It’s all in your behavior? In your mind? YUP. That’s true and you may be surprised. Let me explain …Whether you recognize it or not, your success is based on your ability to change your mind and your behavior. Most people start a workout program and only last a short period of time before quitting because their mind plays tricks on them that set them up for failure, while people who succeed are better at making long-term behavioral changes. You may look at someone who is successful in their diet and workout plans and just think they have the “willpower” to do it, but it’s actually not that simple.

When we think willpower, we think about that power to resist the temptation of junk food. We think about being able to get up at 5am to go to the gym when you really want to sleep instead. But in all truthfulness willpower isn’t ALWAYS there for us, and not something to constantly rely on. We actually have less control over our willpower than we would like. This is because the daily hassles of life, stress and emotions get in our way and make it difficult to stay on track. BUT some people are still able to overcome these hurdles.How do they do it? They set themselves up for success. These people recognise that their willpower will be tested, so they control aspects of their life to help them through the temptations. For example, if you know that you can’t make it to the gym regularly, then sign up for fitness classes each week that you CAN make it to and commit to those. If you know that you won’t be able to resist the ice cream in your freezer, then don’t buy it. The key is to build systems and strategies, so when your willpower gives up, you wont have the option to fail – instead you’ll have a backup plan. People who do that – succeed.Help your willpower (and your brain) out by making small adjustments and changes at a time.

Here are some specific tips to help you change behavior and reach your goals:-

#1. Stay Positive It sounds simple, but sometimes it takes a lot of work to stay positive. Of course we all want to believe that we can reach our goals, and that’s why you need to set attainable, REALISTIC goals. If you set them too high, you’ll feel defeated as soon as you make one slip. And then give up. So, stay confident by setting positive intentions. Understand that some changes will be difficult and some might be easier. Either way you are still on a journey to success. Stay positive and you WILL reach your goals.

#2. Think small … but DREAM BIG!How do you achieve your goals? By doing many little tasks to get you there. They may not seem like much, but if you focus on the small steps that it takes to get you to where you want to be, then you’ll find success.Set Goals!

Here’s another way to look at it:-
1. Set a big goal
2. Set up the plan (the small steps)
3. Create milestones and celebrate your successes along the way, but still remember that there will always be small setbacks (just don’t let them stop you)
4. Reach your goal!

#3. Find someone to keep you accountable!  Whether it’s family, friends, trainers, or workout partners – having positive feedback makes a HUGE difference. Don’t let yourself think that you need to go at this alone. Surround yourself with support. That’s why the Blogilates community is so special – because we have this group of people who radiate positivity to one another. Even though it’s online, doesn’t take away from the encouragement we send each other! 


It’s up to YOU to build yourself up for success. The workout programs and healthy recipes will always be there, but it’s up to YOU to make the positive changes in your behavior to stay on track and SUCCEED! Don’t blame the workout guides and meal plans for being “ineffective”, when you know you could be making a better effort! Train your mind like you would train your body.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

2017 Wellness Calendar For Active Planning & Progress

Imagine where you could be in a year! Will you be stronger? More confident? Wear that pair of jeans that got moved to the back of the closet for “one day”? Significant health changes and embracing a new lifestyle take time, but you can still see progress every month. Use wellness calendar to plan your priorities and celebrate the little wins.

Set Goals & Schedule Activity

If your health is a priority, than you need to schedule time to make exercise happen, rather than waiting for a “free” hour here and there! Keep in mind that activity comes in many disguises; it doesn’t just have to happen in the gym. Don’t forget to also set nutrtion goals, as you can’t outrun your fork. Plan fun and family time as well, and make sure to allot active rest days, to recuperate mentally and physically. Self-case isn’t selfish—it’s essential for good overall health.

Record Measurements & Other Progress

The fitness calendar is designed to help you keep track of a few key benchmarks so you can see your progress in ways beyond weight. See how many squats and push-ups you can do at the beginning of each month, and how long you can hold a plank. Then follow up with the same challenge at the end! You may be surprised with how much more you can manage.

Thursday, February 18, 2016


Sodium is to maintain proper water balance and normal blood pH of the body necessary nutrients. Complete function of the body of the stomach, nerve, muscle and other tissues need this mineral. Although the situation sodium deficiency is very rare, and most people have adequate intake (if there is no excess) of sodium, there may be a lack of the phenomenon, which is the case when high blood pressure taking excessive diuretics, especially when at the same time low sodium diet, researchers estimated that about twenty percent of seniors taking diuretics may have a sodium deficiency phenomenon. There are some special diseases such as fibromyalgia, researchers found that the disease requires a moderate sodium intake (salt intake is recommended). Sodium is insufficient, it can cause abdominal convulsions, loss of appetite, the mind is unclear, dehydration, depression, fatigue, flatulence, hallucinations, headache, abnormal taste, weakness, low blood pressure, memory loss, muscle weakness, nausea, vomiting, poor coordination, repeated infections, epilepsy and weight loss phenomenon. Excessive sodium intake can cause edema, hypertension, potassium deficiency and kidney disease.

Almost all foods contain some sodium.

Balance of potassium and sodium on our health is necessary, but should be noted that most of the people too much sodium intake, to increase the demand for natural potassium. If there is no intake of sodium and potassium, an appropriate balance, it may cause a heart attack.

Sunday, December 20, 2015


1. Take natural plant formula, a collection of natural nutrition soybeans, wheat and pea protein, lactose-free and cholesterol in content, low fat and carb products.

2. Including nine kinds of essential amino acids, the body can be completely absorbed. (High purity, low calorie, low cholesterol: In general eating and cooking habits, adequate intake of quality protein, often therefore intake of excess fat, cholesterol and calories, so to choose high-protein ratio, and low-fat, low cholesterol and low calorie preferred.)

3. You can match a variety of drinks and food, while preserving the original flavor; mixed water to drink, it is delicious healthy choices.

4. Choose soy-based protein sources: Because soybeans are rich in phytonutrients, according to the study, soybean regulate blood fat, reduce calcium loss, anti-oxidation, anti-inflammatory effects, high-quality source of protein.

5. Digestion rate of more than 95%: protein digestibility of protein intake is protein digestion and absorption in the intestine, usually vegetable protein digestibility of food between 75 to 80 percent, milk, eggs, these two kinds of high-quality protein hormone digestibility averaged about 92 percent.

6. PDCAAS up to 1, only a high-quality protein: PDCAAS (Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score) protein is an internationally recognised assessment criteria, any protein product must be available up to 1 PDCAAS called "quality" protein.

Each spoonful weighs 10 grams, with 8 grams of protein; 0.5 g fat; 0.3 g carbohydrate; 

Advantages of soybean protein

Soy contains eight kinds of essential amino acids, it is the only plant foods closest to the new high-protein foods. According to recent studies show that soy protein has many health help:

Regulation of blood fat: UK "joint health declaratory plan (JHC)" recommended daily intake of at least 25 grams of soy protein low in saturated fat from your diet will help lower blood cholesterol levels, and can effectively reduce coronary heart disease. US regulations there is provision, each providing at least 6.25 grams of soy protein foods, can be claimed can reduce cholesterol, healthy.

Edible soy protein than animal protein and help reduce calcium loss.
Provides soy isoflavones function: isoflavones in soy (Isoflavones also called phytoestrogens).  Because isoflavones have antioxidant activity, anti-mutagenic, anti-inflammatory and anti-cell division value and so on.

Anticancer: the US National Cancer Institute has reported that isoflavones have anti-cancer effects.

Hypocholesteroletmic: isoflavones reduce blood cholesterol features to reduce heart disease.

Reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

Physiological function

The basic components constituting the human body, comprising: manufacturing muscle, blood, skin and various organs of the body to help the body create new tissues to replace a broken organisation that helps wound healing.  Many important physiological role in the body's material composition, such as enzymes, hormones, antibodies, hemoglobin.
Normal distribution and assist the body moisture, regulation of acid-base balance of body fluids, transmission and other genetic information. The supply of energy.

Lack of consequences

Intestinal mucosa and digestive glands early involvement, clinical manifestations of indigestion, diarrhea; liver can not maintain the normal structure and function, there fatty liver; lack of muscle protein synthesis, and the gradual emergence of muscle atrophy, fatigue, disorder in collagen synthesis, wound difficult to heal; slow bone growth occurs during childhood, mental retardation.
Enzyme activity decreased; reduce antibody synthesis, decreased immunity; adrenal insufficiency.

Plasma protein synthesis disorders, long-term intake of protein, will lead to the gradual formation of edema.  Combined with other capacity as inadequate intake of nutrients can lead to weight loss and other problems lead to death in severe cases.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

The Art of Switching your Skincare Regimen by Season

When it comes to maintaining proper skin care, it’s important to follow a few rules: Establish a routine that best addresses your concerns, be vigilant in adhering to your regimen (consider good skin your religion and your nightly routine akin to bedtime prayers), and fine-tune your plan whenever necessary. 
Your skin care regimen needs to be updated at least twice a year, particularly when the seasons change. Here, my tips on adjusting your repertoire.

" I don’t care if it’s winter—you still need sunblock,” I always mention this to my children (6yo & 8yo) adding that the sun is active regardless of whether you can see it. It is recommended an SPF of 30 every day, year round. But the sunscreen you use in the spring and summer may not be hydrating enough in the fall and winter. You probably need to add more elements to draw water into the skin.  

In November 2012, the Therapeutic Goods Administration announced a new standard for sunscreens sold in Australia, increasing the maximum sun protection factor from SPF30+ to SPF50+.

The standard requires the same level of Ultra Violet B (UVB) protection, with improved Ultra Violet A (UVA) protection for new formulas.

UVB is the major cause of sunburn and increased skin cancer risk, while UVA contributes to ageing of the skin, as well as skin cancer risk.

The SPF50+ offers only marginally better protection from Ultra Violet B (UVB) radiation than SPF30+. SPF50+ filters out 98% of UVB radiation compared to 96.7% blocked by SPF30+.  The SPF50+ sunscreen still needs to be applied just as liberally, re-applied every two hours (or after swimming, exercising and towel drying) and used in combination with other sun protection measures including sun protective hats, protective clothing, sunglasses and shade.

Artistry Ideal Radiance UV Protection SPF50 UVA UVB

Luminous, even-toned, translucent skin is possible with UV Protect, now enhanced with IDEAL RADIANCE 3D technology. This breakthrough sun protection comes with SPF50+ PA++++ and a formula that safeguards skin from sun damage, future dark spots and discolouration.

Skin-tone correction should always be a mainstay in your evening routine—winter, spring, summer, and fall. But it’s important to mitigate the intensity of your anti-aging products in the colder seasons, as ingredients like retinol can be drying. If you use a retinoid or [prescription] Differin on a daily basis in the summer, you may find that that as the weather changes your face has a harder time tolerating it.  Try cutting back to every other day in order to keep your skin feeling comfortable and looking good.

While daily exfoliation during the spring and summer can result in a smooth surface, that’s not always the case in the cooler months. Grossman notes, “Even if you’re tolerating daily home peels or acids, manual exfoliation, microdermabrasion, or Clarisonic use without a problem, you may need to cut back in the fall and winter, as your skin will be more sensitive.” 

While those afflicted with oilier skin may be tempted to bring out the big guns, Grossman advises that gentle cleansers are actually your face’s best friend, especially in the winter. “You don’t want to overstrip,” she cautions. She also suggests toning down your alpha-beta hydroxy acids, retinoids, at-home peels, and at-home microdermabrasion for the season. Instead, she advises, “Use a light cleanser or makeup wipe at night. If you’re feeling a little dry, you can use a hyaluronic acid–based gel or a hydrating aloe.” And if you are embarking on a Bahamian vacation or dreaming of next summer? “In warmer and more humid climates, people with oily skin tend to need a lot less moisturization,” Grossman says.  

In general, regardless of the season, Grossman tells her patients to apply serums first, then gels, lotions, and creams—in other words, to move from the least inclusive to the most inclusive (think thinnest to thickest textures). “I tend to encourage people to use a sunscreen-moisturizer combination in the morning and then add moisturizer over that,” she explains. “If you have drier skin, the evening is a great time to go for that really rich nighttime moisturizer. If that’s still not enough, add a hyaluronic gel. You can even mix in some oils for extra hydration. And if you’re super, super dry add an additional oil on top of that.” 

During the fall and winter some people really focus on their skin, but they don’t think about changing their environment,” says Grossman. She recommends adding a humidifier to your bedroom and any other area where you tend to spend a lot of time. “If you’re in a really dry environment already, put central humidity into your whole heating system,” she adds. “If it’s really, really dry you want to double-duty it.” 

Saturday, September 5, 2015

CAUDALIE Instant Detox Mask

CAUDALIE Instant Detox Mask is the strongest mask treatment that I haven't experienced for a long time! It's like a traditional clay/mud mask that will draw out impurities, oils and tighten pores. This one shows instant results, I found a thin layer dried within 6 minutes. This comes in a pink clay color that will dry and tighten after you apply it. As it dries you can see small dark spots where it's drawing out the oils from your pores. I have never seen a mask shrink and tighten pores like this one does. It's non-irritating and leaves the skin feeling super clean. If you have dry skin like me, you may want to leave this on for a shorter period of time or just use this on spots.

Main ingredients:
- Grape Marc: Detoxifies and drains.
- Pink Clay and Coffee: Purify.
- Papaya Enzymes: Delivers immediate radiance.
- Eight Essential Oils: Nourish skin.

Full ingredient list: Water, Bentonite, Glycerin*, Acacia Senegal Gum*, Xanthan Gum, Benzyl Alcohol, Alcohol*, Sodium Dehydroacetate, Citrus Aurantium Bergamia (Bergamot) Fruit Oil*, Vitis Vinifera (Grape) Fruit Extract*, Lavandula Angustifolia (Lavender) Oil*, Sodium Citrate, Dehydroacetic Acid, Coffea Arabica (Coffee) Seed Extract*, Coffea Robusta Seed Extract*, Citric Acid*, Papain*, Cupressus Sempervirens Oil*, Salvia Sclarea (Clary) Oil*, Commiphora Myrrha Oil*, Santalum Album (Sandalwood) Oil*, Anthemis Nobilis Flower Oil*, Petroselinum Crispum (Parsley) Seed Oil*, Carbomer, 1,2-Hexanediol, Caprylyl Glycol, Sodium Benzoate, Lactic Acid, Potassium Sorbate, Algin, Limonene, Linalool. *Plant Origin